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Driver Download FAQ firmware

Pen/PD1560 Not Work, Driver in Gray & 'Device disconnect', macOS Mojave 10.14--macOS&Windows

Driver Update Notification for Mac Users
Model: PD1560
Computer System: macOS
Summary: Install and Uninstall the Latest macOS Driver (version V14.3.10).

Link: ►【https://blog.gaomon.net/faq/driver-update-notification-for-mac-users/】
install GAOMON graphics tablet driver



PD1560 Pen Not Work, Driver/App in Gray & Says 'Device Disconnect'
Model: PD1560
Computer System: Windows & macOS
#The pen (stylus) doesn't work
#GAOMON driver says 'Device disconnect'
#All tabs of GAOMON driver are in gray, only 'Close' tab is accessible.

device disconnect & in gray



How to work at macOS Mojave 10.14
Model: All
Computer System: macOS
#The driver says 'Device connected';
#but the digital pen doesn't work at anywhere, even though the pen is charging, it can't move the cursor on the desktop.
PS: ONLY for macOS Mojave 10.14, if you were not, please ignore this solution and get help from GAOMON SUPPORT TEAM 

Link: ►【https://blog.gaomon.net/faq/macos_mojave_10.14】
macOS update


Any questions or suggestions. Please feel free to tell us. You can submit your issue from here: ►【GAOMON SUPPORT TEAM】.